The client, Flask and Barrel, was a whiskey retailer, so I wanted to create a PR piece around alcohol.
I put the word “drinking” in Ahrefs keywords explorer and found that:
- “drinking songs” had 2,800 monthly search volume
- “best drinking songs” had 600 monthly search volume
Both these keywords were dominated by listicles of songs that referenced drinking in their title/lyrics. They didn’t actually discuss what people’s favorite drinking songs were.
The SERPs also had forums asking for suggestions for good drinking songs. The people in the forums were asking for songs that were fun to listen to when drunk, not songs that were about drinking.
So there was a content gap here – people were looking for songs that were good to listen to when drunk, but publishers were giving them songs that referenced drinking in their lyrics.

Spotify was an obvious place to find information about the music people like to listen to when drinking. So I used to scrape Spotify and aggregate all the songs used in playlists that referenced alcohol or drinking in their title.
I created three pages with this data:
A page with our overall findings which I pitched to mainstream lifestyle and music magazines.
A page with genre specific findings which I pitched to genre specific magazines.
A page with state by state findings which I pitched to local newspapers and radio stations.
Overall this campaign earned 19 unique links, with over 150 syndicated links. The average DR of the unique links was 62.
You can see a spreadsheet with the unique links here.
The best links were: (DR 75) (DR 79)
The campaign grew Flask and Barrel’s traffic from 339 a month to 3,366 a month, according to Ahrefs.

If you’d like me to do this type of work for you then email me at